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Neighbourhood Plan Update (October 2014)

The Loxwood Neighbourhood Plan (LNP) has suffered a major set back due to a legal challenge from a developer. The legal challenge was against Chichester District Council (CDC) for not carrying out a legally compliant screening appraisal. The Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes regulation requires every development plan to be subject to a Strategic Environmental Assessment, unless it can be shown by means of a screening appraisal that the Plan under review does not bring about a significant environmental effect. CDC have agreed that they did not follow the regulation correctly and have  now retrospectively carried out a screening appraisal which does comply with the regulation. This has established once and for all that the LNP does not create a significant environmental effect. 
Unfortunately, this means that we will have to repeat a number of steps in the LNP development process.
These are:
Statutory Consultation
Independent Examination
Loxwood Parish Council would encourage all those that took part in the first statutory consultation to resubmit their comments again using the form which is available on the CDC web site using the link below. Alternatively forms are available at the post office or the butchers. The consultation ends on the 4th December 2014.
We have re submitted the LNP to CDC to reflect its revised status but rest assured,  the policies have not changed from the version of the LNP which was the subject of the first referendum.

Below is a statement which Chichester District Council have placed on their web site and is the formal notification of the second Statutory Consultation which the LNP is now having to follow.

Chichester District Council
Publication of the Loxwood Neighbourhood Plan
The Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (Regulation 16)

Chichester District Council had received a legal challenge on its decision to hold a referendum following the independent examination of the Neighbourhood Plan.  The challenge was based around the failure of the District Council to carry out a legally compliant screening opinion process to determine whether a Strategic Environmental Assessment of the plan was required.
In order to remedy this error, the District Council has now carried out a formal screening opinion process.  The Parish Council has issued an up to date Basic Conditions Statement and re-submitted the Neighbourhood Plan to the District Council for consultation.  The plan sets out a vision for the future of the parish and planning policies which will be used to determine planning applications locally.
Copies of the Loxwood Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documentation are available to view on the District Council’s website:www.chichester.gov.uk/article/24695/Neighbourhood-Planning#loxwood
Hard copies are available for inspection at:
Chichester District Council
East Pallant House, 1 East Pallant Chichester PO19 1TY
(08:45 – 17:10 Mon – Thurs/ 08:45 – 17:00 Fri) 
Loxwood Stores and Post Office,
Guildford Road, Loxwood, RH14 0SB
John Murray Butchers,
3 and 4 The Parade, Guildford Road, Loxwood, RH14 0SA
The period for submission of representations will run for six weeks from Thursday 23rd October 2014 until Thursday 4th December 2014. It is important that all those who made representations previously resubmit these during this consultation period. Representations should arrive no later than 5.00pm on 4th December 2014. All representations received will be available to view publicly.
To make representations:
Printed response forms are available from the locations listed above or can be downloaded and filled in electronically by visiting http://www.chichester.gov.uk/neighbourhoodplan.
The response form can also be downloaded from here on the Loxwood Website

Completed response forms should be sent to:Neighbourhood Planning, Chichester District Council, East Pallant House, 1 East Pallant, Chichester PO19 1TY
or emailed to neighbourhoodplanning@chichester.gov.uk

Please note that any representations may include a request to be notified of the local planning authority’s decision under regulation 19 in relation to the neighbourhood development plan.


Neighbourhood Plan Update (June 2014)

Following the Examiner's report in April, some changes have been made to the Neighbourhood Plan. The Neighbourhood Final Version Plan can be viewed via this link.

Neighbourhood Plan Update (May 2014)
Good News!

The Loxwood Neighbourhood Plan (LNP) has successfully completed its Independent Examination and the Examiner’s report was issued on the 11 April 2014. The Examiner made a number of recommendations and, subject to those recommendations being incorporated into the LNP, advised that the LNP should proceed to Referendum.  The changes have been incorporated and the Referendum will take place on the 24 July 2014.
The Examiner’s report is available to read and download from this link.
The Referendum will be held in the same manner as local and parliamentary elections and all those eligible to vote will be sent a polling card. Voting will take place at North Hall.  For a successful vote, greater than 50% of those voting must vote “Yes”.
Kirdford have just held their Neighbourhood Plan Referendum with a turnout of 43% with a 95% yes vote.
Local democracy in action!!

Neighbourhood Plan Update (January 2014)

The Neighbourhood Plan has now entered the second phase of the consultation process, which is being run by Chichester DC.
The consultation runs from the 17th January to 28th February 2014.
The local consultation  on the pre submission draft of the Neighbourhood Plan is now finished. 153 residents visited North Hall on the two open days (28th November and 4th December 2013) to see the displays on the Neighbourhood Plan policies and to discuss them with the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group. We had some very good feedback.
Since then, the Steering Group have been analysing all the comments received, both from residents and the statutory consultees. The Neighbourhood Plan has now  been amended to reflect the comments and the revised version can be viewed by clicking on this link. . It order to ensure complete visibility on how the Neighbourhood Plan has been modified, the Steering Group have produced a Consultation Summary, which details the complete consultation process from start to finish, some two years.  The summary also contains an analysis of all the comments received and their disposition with respect to the Neighbourhood Plan.
The Consultation Summary can be viewed by clicking on this link.
The Parish Council approved the revised Neighbourhood Plan at their January 2014 meeting. The Neighbourhood Plan, together with the Consultation Summary and a “Basic Conditions” statement have  now been submitted to Chichester District Council (CDC).
 A copy of the “Basic Conditions” statement can be viewed in the Neighbourhood Plan evidence base available on this web site.
The Neighbourhood Plan will now be subject to a further six week consultation, run by CDC. At the same time, work has started on appointing an Independent Examiner who will review the Neighbourhood Plan for compliance with national and local planning legislation.
You can comment on the revised Neighbourhood Plan by clicking on this link to the CDC web site:
From the site you can  download a Consultation Response form. Once completed, it should be sent to ldf@chichester.gov.uk or Tom Bell, Neighbourhood Planning Officer, Chichester District Council, East Pallant House, Chichester. PO19 1TY. 
Printed copies of the revised Neighbourhood Plan are available at Loxwood Post Office and John Murray butchers or at Chichester District Council, East Pallant House, East Pallant, Chichester. PO19 1TY.
The consultation period runs between 17th January and 28th February 2014

New documents available to view are listed below:

  • The revised Neighbourhood Plan
  • The Consultation Summary which has excel spread sheets as a separate document
  • Excel spread sheets
  • The Basic Conditions Statement
  • Traffic Calming Report


    Below is a list of links to the evidence base on which the original Neighbourhood Plan was based:

  • Last Change: June 2014 update


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