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Village Calendar
2nd July Loxwood Parish Council Meeting, North Hall at 7.30 pm  
6th July Loxwood School Summer Fair from 12.00 am until 3.00 pm in the School Field  
12th July Loxwood Movie Night in North Hall at 7.30 pm. 'Operation Mincemeat' (PG)  
16th July Jazz Night in North Hall at 8.00 pm with Kings of Clarinet  
22nd July Luncheon Club in North Hall at 12.30  
20th August Jazz Night in North Hall at 8.00 pm with TBA  
31st August &
1st September
Floral Fringe Fair in Loxwood Meadow10.30am till 5.00pm. See www.floralfringefair.co.uk for more details or contact Jean Jackman on 07939 272 443 or jeanjackman@hotmail.com  

If you would like an event to appear in the Village Calendar, please send details to the Webmaster


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